Thursday, 27 November 2008

Look What The Tide Brought In.

After an inspiring series of lectures on environmental concern, and what we as artists can do in order to make communities more aware of the issues we are facing, I decided this would be an interesting feature of my current site specific study.

Located on a stretch of coastline along the Bristol Channel, Sand Point unfortunately ends up gathering whatever detritus washes up on it's shores. Approximately ten miles across the water from Cardiff, the Severn Estuary distributes all sorts on these predominantly deserted beaches. Home to many species of birds, and other wildlife (including live stock), this beautiful headland requires no intervention from man. In the time I have spent there I have seen more rubbish in the form of flotsam and jetsam than I have from people actually visiting the land. At this time of year people are scarce, but rubbish is plenty...

Here are just a few of the objects I have found so far. This series were all taken on the 25th of November after I noticed the sheer abundance of debris scattered throughout the ever present ridge of seaweed...

Fishing Line and Float

This was nestled in the grass verge that surrounds the bay. Entangled with not only the grass, but also some seaweed, this fishing line, complete with float stood out due to the incredibly vibrant colours of the line. As much as it troubles me to find this sort of object just left around, I find it difficult to remove it. I know it is only a temporary part of the habitat, and of course it poses a threat to local wildlife, yet, I don't feel as if I have the right to interfere with the location by taking it out of there.

Wooden Gate

Probably the best piece of detritus I will ever find. I really wanted to claim it as my own, and take it home with me. This one object held so many narratives within it. It was all I could do to just stand there looking over it, and like a small child, I conjured up numerous tales in my head about where it was from, and what it's previous habitat was like. It was truly beautiful.

Beer Crate

One of the last things I would want to find in this picturesque setting, but such is life. The thing that caught my eye as I approached it was this text on the side. I was really hoping it would give me some clues as to where it had come from. Unfortunately, it did no such thing...

Welsh Whole Milk Carton

...And then I stumbled across this, and what I had previously hoped for was written there on the label. The Welsh Dragon was a bit of a give away too.

Parachute Man

This was the last thing I found that day, hidden amongst some rocks over to the left of the bay. I couldn't work out whether he had been washed up onto the shore, or dropped onto the beach from the cliff above. Either way, I'd be gutted if I were the kid that lost him!

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